Infographic - 10 questions to ask when shopping for Cyber Insurance

So you don’t have cyber insurance? You’re in the same boat as about half of U.S. firms, according to the Insurance Journal. Businesses purchase several types of insurance, but cyber insurance is still considered an unknown commodity.  While it has become easier to find agents offering cyber insurance these days, it is still not everywhere.  All insurance companies do not offer this product.  There is usually a long questionnaire to answer prior to getting a quote for premium. This will depend on your current security posture, whether or not you have conducted a security risk assessment, whether you have documented policies and procedures, what kinds of security tools you use, and more. We cannot stress enough the importance of answering this questionnaire truthfully.  If you misrepresent any part of the questionnaire, knowingly or unknowingly, you run the risk of not being eligible for compensation should you experience a data breach.

10 questions to ask cyber insurance mockup 24by7security


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